About the \Wilson Group\

We look after what matters most to you across diverse service areas including: Parking, Security, Health and Storage.
Each of our businesses are built on a simple philosophy: we look after what’s important to you. Whether it’s close to your heart, your business or way of life; if it matters to you, it means everything to us.
One of our most important assets is our team of more than 9000 employees. United by a culture of care for our people, our customers and our communities, we work hard to form strong relationships with our customers. Together we are passionate about finding integrated and effective solutions to a variety of customer needs.
We apply our unmatched industry experience, the latest technology and the best people to look after what matters most to you.
And that matters most to us.
If you want to know more, contact us here.
Wilson Parking
We’re for the people who need to get things done, and ache for a little more time in their day.
We’re about giving busy people some bonus time – so with our hundreds of prime parking locations, we make it easy to get you super close to wherever you need to be.
Day or night, weekday or weekend, we’re here to help find you a little more ‘you time’, so you can do more of whatever it is you want to do.
Wilson Parking. Do more with your day.
Australia New Zealand Malaysia Singapore
Wilson Security & First Security
We provide security solutions for clients of every size and industry across Australia and New Zealand. Using the latest global trends in security and innovation, we work harder to drive your businesses forward.
We pride ourselves on being one of the leading providers of integrated security solutions. This means we focus on solutions and we work with you to quickly assess and deliver what your organisation needs to create a safe, secure and successful environment at and greater value to our clients.
We tailor an approach to best suit your business and we develop strategic partnerships to drive efficiencies through your business.
We proudly deliver security services to the highest standards and take care of your problems so that you can focus on your core business, accelerate and deliver a better future.
Wilson Security & First Security. Protecting your future.
Wilson Security Australia First Security New Zealand
Wilson Storage
We believe everything gets better with the right space. Living rooms live up to their name. Businesses can seize their full potential.
Even people feel better, with the space to breathe and think at their own pace.
That’s why we work so hard to make our storage both effortless and efficient.
Because we’re not just securing what’s important to people. We’re providing space for the things that matter.
Wilson Storage. The space you need.
Wilson Storage AUMedic One
We are Australia’s dedicated provider of world-class health service training, industrial and event services and patient transport. Here for students across Australia with considered, personalised medical support and tailored education, we help all pupils achieve their career and study goals in the health service industry.
Clinical Governance and Medical Oversight underpin our ‘culture of care’. Governed by our committee of highly qualified and experienced specialists, we drive excellence across pre-hospital care, clinical performance and education. We provide premium learning outcomes for all our students, who become the most talented and well prepared employees in the health services industry.
Wilson Health. World Class Health Services.
Wilson Medic One